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Nucular Weapons....aaarrrggghhhh

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ToraToraTora | 10:16 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
57 Answers

Some eejit on the news channel saying "nucular" makes my blood boil. How can we have "journalists" who can't even talk, surely that's the basis for reporting on TV.



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I scream at R4 and TV quite often............these people are paid for communication skills?! They can't speak proper English - never mind the accents; you can use correct grammar etc. with Yorkshire, Sussex, Devonshire----- any accent.

Anything else is slovenly & should not be tolerated.

Messing about with English for comic effect is a different thing - e.g. Mrs.Malaprop.

there is no such thing as "proper english" 

Nuclear = newkiller for some. Annoying.

More annoying - Burglary = burgulry.

Even more annoying - Cutlery = Cuttlery 

Extremely annoying - American use of "of", eg, he got off of the bus. Really? He didn't get on of the bus, did he?

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....then there's Aks!

Yes but Aks is more of a West Indian thing. I used to work with loads of guys from Jamaica, Barbados etc and they all use that aks ting marn!

Diphtheria is my favourite. People will pronounce it diP theria rather than diff theria.

Yes, 10CS, I'm not sure why Americans say "get off of your horse" yet say "out the window"

The British way of speaking has some inconstencies too though- Siobhan and I were saying this the other day to Lieutenant Mainwaring and Colonel Cholmondley at Althorp.

Hey, you! Get off of my cloud

Annoyed my then, annoys me now.

Get it for free seems wrong to me. 

Another fission expedition from Tora.

10Cs- I have an elderly relative from Middleton (or Miggleton as she says), Manchester and she says cucklery for her knife and fork. She also has a chimley in the miggle of her roof and the refuge collectors empty her bins. And her family are "are Billy" and "are Tom" etc. Is it the same in Clarion Street or do you talk proper like what I do?

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....then there's jurlerry!

One of the experts on Antiques Roadshow very carefully says "jew ell ery".

Ah, now, there's a programme that's been handed to Tristan and Felicity so they can bring it up to date, code for ruining it.

seems a popular thread. why is our non secret mod so miffed

What is the connexion between the number of replies and whether a question is in the appropriate category or no?

We have just had qual ee ee broadcast! As if talking to toddlers or imbeciles. 

NMA, cucklery, Miggleton, chimley etc are used more in Langley, Blackley, Moston and central Manchester, as is jumpor! Lots of kids talked like that when I lived in Ancoats, but any sign of it from me, and my dad would go bananas. He was originally from Heywood tha noz, and lots of his relatives spoke Lancashire dialect, but that's another story! 😄 

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