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Singer 6 Letters In First Name And 5 Letters In Last Name

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CharlieBrown007 | 18:43 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
13 Answers

what's the weather like where you are?



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What placed letters do you have?

Debbie Harry ? ? ? ? ? ? 

//what's the weather like where you are?//

Is that the clue or just a chatty comment?

Welcome to AnswerBank, Charlie Brown.

Could you supply more information please? Is this a crossword clue or quiz question?

If a quiz, is there a theme and letter count,

If a crossword do you have any letters already placed?


There will be lots.

-Taylor Swift

-Shania Twain

Spring to mind


Stevie Nicks

Robert Plant

Benson Boone

Daniel Boone or Debbie Boone

Travis Scott

Thomas Dolby

I'll stop now.

There are so many  .... this from Taylor Swift's "Fortnight"

And for a fortnight there we were forever running
’Til you sometimes ask about the weather

Another song  with similar lyrics of " Is it better where you are,   you are? What's the weather where you are, you are?"

But that's Troye Sivan so only 5,5

robson Green and Jerome Flynn (both 6,5) sang Up on the Roof- maybe checking on the weather, and also sang Crying in the Rain.

Can you provide info of any known letters please Charlie and clarify if the weather reference is part of the clue.

Have you soreted it no charlie B?


Bonnie Tyler?

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Singer 6 Letters In First Name And 5 Letters In Last Name

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