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Led Reading Lamp

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haras2 | 20:55 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

I've been looking for one and the choice and price range is astronomical , so I wondered if any Abers actually have one and can comment/recommend any of them

P.S. Isn't the Mozart lovely tonight on the Proms ?



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Possibly not what you're looking for but I bought one of these recently and I'm absolutely delighted with it!

Haras yes re the Proms, magical.  The couple playing now are out of this world.

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Thanks Buen

I've read a few revues and some of them highlight difficulty with inserting the small bulb - did you have any problem with that ?

I'm impressed with the price, some of them run into 3 figures.

There are lots on Amazon, Haras, and reasonably priced.

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Glad you're enjoying it Ladybirder, not often that Saturday night tele is this good   😄

>>> "some of them highlight difficulty with inserting the small bulb - did you have any problem with that ?"

Yes.  I've got to admit that it's not an easy task to get that little bulb in but I got there in the end!

(The bulbs don't come with it but, at just £25 for the lamp, it's still incredible value - and it looks really good too!)

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Thanks Hazlinny ! Yes, I've had a wander and there is just so much choice...

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I'll give yours a go Buen !

Do you think you could nip over and sort it if (when) I have a problem with the small bulb (it's only about 300 miles) ?

^^^ I'll have to ask the cats for their permission first, Haras2 😊

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I know my place....

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I know my place....

I'm the short one on the right  😞

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Led Reading Lamp

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