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Any Film Recommendations?

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naomi24 | 16:29 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

Well-made sci-fi or gritty thrillers? 



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Thanks Chis just set it to record on ITV4+1!

If we are allowing series Person of Interest is second only to GOT

Dark Star

Silent Running

10:25 both classics, bit dated now but worth a watch.

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I watched 'Source Code' last night.  Something a bit different.  I enjoyed it.  Thanks, crapatcryptics, and to everyone else for their suggestions.

" Aliens", the second of the "Alien" franchise is a good thrilling film with plenty of action.

Edge of Tomorrow is currently streaming on Netflix. An oldish, Tom Cruise, sci fi flick, but surprisingly quite good. 

We watched The Night Caller last night, primarily because Robert Glenister and Sean Pertwee star.  Worth watching, albeit a bit slow.  Might still be available on My5

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