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Boris Johnson Faces Serious Questions Over His New Business Deal.

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gulliver1 | 12:09 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | News
29 Answers

Johnson failed to diclose details of secret meetings with Amir Adanai a Canadian Citizen who is a  director of offshore Companies based in the British Virgin Islands .Whilst Boris was PM.Before Boris formed his new Company called Better  Earth Limited.



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Brainiac you are neither obliged to read nor reply to any posts on AB so maybe take some of your own advice 😂😂😂
12:15 Sun 08th Sep 2024
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Andres did you get your information from The Tory Times ?

13.57gully--- I merely put 'Better Earth' in my search engine and it came up with the information. It's there for anyone to read.

I'll help you, gulliver, as I realise not everyone knows how to research things on the internet and use links. This is an example of what comes up using the clues andres gave.


so basically we have no idea what the OP wants to talk about and he is unable to tell us.

There was a rumour that Charlotte Owen is Johnson's daughter.

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JDavis 16.15 Wonder who her mother is ,,,,So many to choose from.

A leopard cannot change his spots

I always distrusted blond men with pudding basin haircuts - especially those with "bad hair days" EVERY day

so many to choose from

oh Gullz, you tease !

Isn't that How secrets work? You don't disclose them

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Boris Johnson Faces Serious Questions Over His New Business Deal.

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