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Would Some Of The Rich Really Turn Themselves Into...

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sandyRoe | 08:38 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | News
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... economic migrants in order to save on their tax bills?

Of the three possible destinations mentioned, Dubai and Florida don't seem very attractive, thought Paris is .

Would you give up the luxurious lifestyle that great wealth could afford in the best city in the world, London, in order to save a few pounds?



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reminds me of Fred Kite's impression of Russia - "vast sunlit corn fields & ballet in the evening"...
18:21 Sun 08th Sep 2024

they always say they will. i very much doubt it. 

One of the biggest tax-dodgers this country has is a certain chancer called Lewis Hamilton.He seems to get a free pass from some on here.I wonder why?

Sounds good to me .The super rich got away with not paying tax in the Country they live in under the Con Crony Govt Things are getting better now, Under a labour Govt Kick these super rich leaches out of the Country Now!

Amazon, Dyson, most off the coffee empires can go and do one for me, Dyson has already moved to overseas workforce for cheap next to nothing labour, Amazon coffee outlets and many more all pay low wages leaving our goverment to top up that wage. Who said the millionairs do this country any good. BS

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Could he now be registered as domicile in Switzerland for tax purposes?

What other reason could there be?

@16.12.Dodging paying his taxes in the UK possibly sandy?Is it only white tax-dodgers you have a problem with sandy?

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Tax exile comes at a price.  

I think you're only allowed so many days back in the UK if you've decided to live abroad.

So is Hamilton a tax-dodger or is he not a tax-dodger sandy?

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Another racing driver, James Hunt, lived in Monaco.  I'm sure it would be a nice place to live and the easy to pay tax regime wouldn't be a deterrent.

Hamilton may live abroad to minimise his tax burden.  I don't know.

People in Monaco don't pay income tax.

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And not do they enjoy the pleasure afforded by misty autumn evenings, theatres, fine dining, and the babble of foreign tongues.

If I was wealthy I'd sooner live in London.

^^^^^ you're thinking about an old George Sanders movie, take off the rose-tinted spectacles!😂

The "babble of foreign tongues" will probably be some mugger trying (and succeeding) to rip off your Rolex & your iphone.

Indeed, Dave.  More like a curry in a smelly little joint in Brick Lane now.  He'd get the babble if foreign tongues though.


If you want to make this country a better place, you can only do that by living here. But if you want to leave then leave. Don't let the door hit you on the way out ...

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I don't know London but I can't believe areas like Chelsea or Mayfair smell of aromatic curries or are the haunts of footpads.

Though I admit I may be wrong.

reminds me of Fred Kite's impression of Russia - "vast sunlit corn fields & ballet in the evening"...

Why would you think London is the best city on the world though?

I know several foreigners - very well-travelled - who think London is the best city in the world.  They only ever visit the West End though.

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