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Repeat Prescriptions

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douglas9401 | 11:01 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

I normally order my various potions and elixirs through Patient Access, have done for years now but suddenly I get

"Sorry, your GP practice has not made this service available to you."

Any ideas as to why this could be happening after having had the service available for so long?
Have I missed an update somewhere that others may know about?




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Thank you all for taking the time to reply, I'll try the old-fashioned way tomorrow.


Nailedit, you're thick. Happy to help. 😊


Pharmacy2U deliver straight to your front door.

I hope it isn' a problem with your GP surgery. 

A few months ago I needed access to my medical records and thought the easiest way would be via the NHS App. It didn't work and enquiries pointed to my GP surgery's IT set up. Here is the NHS IT department's suggestion o cure the problem: 


We have investigated your issue and can see that it originates from a known issue that we are working with your GP surgery's IT supplier to resolve.

To be able to access your NHS account in the meantime, we recommend the following steps:

Step 1: Obtain online registration details from your GP surgery.
Ask your GP surgery for your online registration details for connecting to third parties, such as the NHS App.

These details comprise of three pieces of information

1. Linkage Key, must be between 6 -15 characters and symbols.
2. ODS Code, your practice's unique identifier code
3. Account ID, must be between 10 - 15 (inclusive) characters.

Step 2: Delete your NHS account. - Please do not uninstall the app from your device.
1. Log in to your NHS account via the NHS App or NHS.UK
2. Select the 'Account' icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen
3. Select 'Settings', then 'Manage NHS account', then 'Login and security settings'.
4. Select 'Delete NHS login'.

For further information on how to delete your account is listed here:,Your%20NHS%20login%20details.%20Select%20Delete%20NHS%20login.

Step 3: Create a new NHS account via the NHS App or NHS website.
1. Select, "How to prove who you are without photo ID" then follow the on-screen instructions.
2. When asked "Do you use your GP surgery's online services?" select "Yes - I use online services",
3. Select, "Yes - I have all 3 details".
4. Enter the provided ODS code, account ID and Linkage Key from your practice.
5. Then enter your name and DOB when prompted and submit your details.
6. This should connect you to your GP surgery.

Please see the YouTube video showing how you can verify your identity:

NHS App - NHS Login without using Photo ID -&list=PLnhASgDToTksih-Z8foqYj2plx7m7EuPj&index=3

I've used Patient Access on line for years with no problems. email/password/memorable word to log in. Recently it's started sending an OTP code to my phone & also keeps reminding me that I should obtain a 3rd party "verification app" for additional security. It's getting beyond a joke really.😡

I have to use authenticator to log in to Patient Access.  I'm pleased about that - there is a lot of private information including medical records, reports from consultants etc that I want kept as secure as possible.

hi davey ! dat really clear dat

I thought the mobile code / password bit was an extra layer of security - whichmy bank uses so I cd cope without probz.

The NHS has bought  in the security side so complaining to the GP, you get the Trump answer " someone else ( unknown) is in charge of this" see NJ above

I am suprised NJ didnt say "gimme gimme - I have had a right to  these notes since the access to medical records act 1993"

I did - CEO didnt  like it

there is a lot of private information including medical records, ( that  I want private)


but as you get older ( as some pts said to me) - so what if they know you got hepatitis in egypt in 1978, or you were hoofed off to Monsall Hospital because they didnt know what was wrong with you ( parvovirus) - it really doesnt matter.

Hey, I threatened to take Occy Health to the GMC because the Medical Director said ( alleged / averred) I hadnt had Hep B vaccine - and HE  wasnt meant to know my name and HE had no interest in my health. ( and I had, notes were wrong, and I had the chittie to  prove it!) - amd he took the view it was a discipliary offence. He didnt like me. London ( DoH) went "oo hold on!"

she cried.

Funny story - I had to have my gall bladder out due to polyps. After several cancellations I went for the op but my heart nearly stopped when they injected the gas so they stopped, gave me CPR and told me to go home (next day). 2 or 3 months later in for the op again. Surgeon comes round - sez why are you here? It's 9 months since you were put up for surgery & you've already had it.

I said - READ MY NOTES YOU DOLT!!!!!!🤣

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A brief chat with the first line of defence at my GP informs me that Patient Access no longer exists and to use their own website.


I'm thinking PA can't have gone altogether as the site responds to input but anyway, MY problem is solved.

That's good, Douglas.  I used Patient Access yesterday to order all of our prescriptions, so it might be dead to your surgery but is still used by my GP

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