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Animal Songs/Music

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Hazlinny | 19:18 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
53 Answers

On this misty, rather chilly, evening in SE Scotland, I thought we might have some music/songs to cheer people up.  Looking for the following words in the title  ....  horse, dog, cat, lion, elephant. 🐘 🦁 🐕 🐱 🐴  I'll start with "Horse with No Name"




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Good song Netherfield but not on the list  .... same goes for Cal with Little White Bull ... but Captain posted his Crocodile Shoes so hey let's go. x

How could we forget

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Beer for my Horses

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^^^ Hadn't forgotten them Captain 😀 Scroll back.


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The Old Gumbie Cat from "Cats" the musical.

Ooops, sorry, Haz. Still, it's that bad, it's good, so can have it twice. 😂

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Of course, Captain 😊

🎶 Thanks to all contributors and any who may follow - it's been fun and lots of songs to listen to when I get time. 🎶

At least I got cat and dog in one of mine.

Shaggy Dog

Do the bird, pretty bird ′cause the bird is the word,
Do the dog, dirty dog like a daddy frog,
Do the shake, milk shake like a hairy ape,
I said ya ya yaga yaga boom chick a ga ga
Come on come on come on pretty baby
Come on come on shake it like crazy


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Animal Songs/Music

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