Russia Opens Up in The AnswerBank: News
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Russia Opens Up

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Untitled | 05:42 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | News
33 Answers

To foreigners wishing to escape "destructive neoliberalism" 


it has been described elsewhere as an "anti-woke" visa

seeing as many ABers complain about woke and seem to dislike the UK for being too "liberal" might this be an option?

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If only !

As a socialist country,i dont think a lot of us in the UK would like to visit Russia.Surely it would be more likely to be to you left-wingers taste.Same as with other socialist countries like North Korea,China,Venezuela or Cuba.

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i think you're a bit out of date ynna

I'm not keen on visiting any country, thank you. I know people who have been to Russia for a holiday and they enjoyed it. But not for me!

@07.24.Prior to Glasnost it would have been more to your taste though Untitled.

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then you'd think wrong!

What they didn't say was that once you've spent a year in Russia and have proved how much you love the country they'll send you off to fight in Ukraine.

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no takers?

very low income tax

beautiful landscapes

anti-woke and right wing government

low immigration

patriotic and nationalistic

it sounds like nirvana for some of our unhappy ABers

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much easier to be a landlord too! ;)

From one extreme to another ? I think most are just hoping for a return to sanity here, but that seems years away.

Ah, just seen the link. You need to reject western values; not hope for a return to them. So few in AB qualify.

'Woke' is not 'western values'.  'Woke' is cranky values.  I'd like to see a list of the approved countries.

Question Author

this link is better than the one in my OP


full text of the decree is here


cannot find a list of countries... but they are allegedly setting up a village for conservative Americans to live in near Moscow. doesn't it sound lovely? 🤣

if they are taking americans then i think it's very likely they will take UK citizens. putin's building a traditionalist utopia for the world's anti-wokes. 

Nah they are just looking for new westerners to arrest for "spying" and then use for exchanges etc.

China may be an option, I especially love the way they have prevented Islamification.

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you mean putting people in camps

12:32 Yes terrific isn't it? Of course they could always reject Islam and live like the indiginous population, I believe that is allowed.

well,  um Snowden went - and also Gerard Depardieu

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just to be clear... the chinese communist party has put a whole group of uyghur muslims into re education camps and you're in favour of it? 

this reminds me of that time khandro told me how much he admired tito lol. and you have the gall to say i'm a communist? 🤣

'Woke' is not 'western values'.  'Woke' is cranky values. 

oh, okey-dokey, will fit in very well on  AB then

God the idea Russia is freer than any western country is er interesting. 

"just to be clear... the chinese communist party has put a whole group of uyghur muslims into re education camps and you're in favour of it? " - yes I am, left unchecked muslims try to take over and when they can't they start doing terrorist acts. I believe they can just leave the religion and live like the rest of the population.

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