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Would Some Of The Rich Really Turn Themselves Into...

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sandyRoe | 08:38 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | News
50 Answers

... economic migrants in order to save on their tax bills?

Of the three possible destinations mentioned, Dubai and Florida don't seem very attractive, thought Paris is .

Would you give up the luxurious lifestyle that great wealth could afford in the best city in the world, London, in order to save a few pounds?



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reminds me of Fred Kite's impression of Russia - "vast sunlit corn fields & ballet in the evening"...
18:21 Sun 08th Sep 2024

Rank City & Country Index (to live in)

1 Vienna, Austria

2 Copenhagen, Denmark

3 Zurich, Switzerland

4 Melbourne, Australia

5 Calgary, Canada

6 Geneva, Switzerland

7 Sydney, Australia

8 Vancouver, Canada

9 Osaka, Japan

10 Auckland, New Zealand

London 💩

And we appear twice on that list🤣

Personally I'd shun both Melbourne and Sydney.


i like london. it has problems like any other big city but i really don't get why some people talk it down so much...

How soon before we have favellas? (at least somewhere for the illegals to hang out)

favela - one /l/ - Portuguese doesnt have /ll/ which any way is a different sound (j) in  Granada

sorry to be pedantic - 

how can you not - it's in the name🤣


In Dickens day the favelas were called Rookeries

camplete with own slang ( St Giles Cant) - the remains of which behind Tottenham court rd were pulled down about ten years ago. Included a farrrier's forge but you had to clook

The poor were always with us -  Mt 26.11

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Some may remember when Roumanians tried to set up a bidonville near Hyde Park Corner.

The editors of the Express and Mail were so angry they could have suffered apoplectic fits.

"How soon before we have favellas?"

We already have them:

“The riders look out for each other…One compares the kerbside community to a union or “sindicato” and another to a favela – a working-class shantytown in Brazil.”

"Some may remember when Roumanians tried to set up a bidonville near Hyde Park Corner."

The people camping on the central reservation in Park Lane are predominantly Romanian. A few years ago a group from that country were living in the pedestrian underpasses at Marble Arch but were cleared out:

This, of course, is all part of the enrichmont of the UK's economy and the "diversification" of its culure that the country needs. Thousands of doctors, engineers and architects flooding in from all over the world to set up home in underpasses or on grass verges.

Some of them, whilst waiting for their applications be approved so that they can work as brain surgeons in Guy's Hospital or Civil Engineers helping to build HS2, might find themselves gainful employment  delivering takeaways to people who cannot be bothered to collect them themselves or washing cars in Tesco's car park. Many of the remainder will simply pitch a tent between the carriageways in Park Lane and enjoy the sunshine. 

Meanwhile, those with any money and sense will up sticks for destinations where their efforts are properly rewarded and they do not suffer punitive rates of taxation, much of it spent on people who will not work. Still, their leaving keeps the net immigration figures down.

Look on the bright side. The tents must be putting Park Lane property prices way down, so now's your chance to grab those bargains.

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