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Has There Ever Been An Avatar That Spawned A 100 Post Discussion?

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ToraToraTora | 18:59 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers


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it is now quite as nauseating as some of your Boris pictures.  They made him look like the village idiot.

now should be not.

It's a quiet Sunday evening, to early to cycle to evensong, so everyone offered their twopenny worth to pass the time.

The OP of that post is a FB friend. So I find it a bit disconcerting to take an alternative view. However, I know that Sandy is a better man than me and will be able to seperate the opinion from the person.

The fact is, I dont find ANYTHING offensive about it.

its just the way that the country is at the moment.


Poor embittered  little Tory still smarting over their overwhelming defeat.


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20% for Labour 80% Not Labour.

it was 32%-68% tora... quite some rounding down you're doing there ;) 

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20/80 is of the full electorate.

ha! very good. 

i'm becoming fond of you toratoratora

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...100 reached on the thread concerned!

Nailedit, sandyRoe is not a better man than you.  Don't put yourself down. 

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