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Horse Riding In Pregnancy

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TwoShortPlanks | 11:49 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
22 Answers

Is it safe to ride a horse when pregnant? 

For clarity, I am not planning on either!

A friend is currently 37 weeks pregnant, and is still riding her horse on a regular basis. Now, I am a big supporter of "her body, her pregnancy, her baby, her choice", so I'm not looking to criticise her. Just would like someone to ease my concerns really.

I can't really talk to her directly about this, as I don't want her to feel I'm attacking her.




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Peter as someone who has ridden for over 50 years pregnant and not, I can assure you horse riding is not safe. It's one of the most dangerous sports or pastimes you can do. Personally I think horse riding after you start to 'show' around 6 months,is selfish. There are plenty of other safer forms of exercise to keep you fit during pregnancy, and horses do not need to be ridden they are quite happy eating grass in a field.

Both my sister and daughter rode until abou 6 months pregnant.  After that they found it rather uncomfortable.

Yes, all riding is dangerous - yes it has health and fitness benefits too.....much like most things. E.g. if you go for walks you can put your foot in a hole and fall.

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