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If You Apply For Pension Credit Do You Face A Barrage Of...

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sandyRoe | 17:37 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
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... intrusive questions?



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Mostly about your bank account and all income I think

I know its a long form with over 240 questions and is avilble online which puts people off, but someone said that those who are used to dealing with forms won't have to answer all of them as some say things like "if answer to Q7 is NO go direct to number 23"

I know someone who was also put off applying because they thought the DWP would be forever asking them to prove she wasn't lying and checking what she was spending their money on.

I've read that they (the Pension Credit) people prefer phone enquiries. I did that for my friend, with her beside me to grant permission, and the process took less than 10 minutes. There weren't loads of financial questions, most things were irrelevant and got skipped over.

I posted the other day regarding the number of questions.

'Question 15 is, "Do you have a partner?" If the answer is "No" you are telt to go to Question 26 which is,"Do you want to claim Pension Credit for any children or qualifying young people?" If the answer is "No" you are telt to go yo Question 102 and so on.

There are 243 questions but that is because there are multiple scenarios but not all of them need to be answered.'

You could even be lucky enough to be informed that you're not eligible because you're bunked up with a young thing.

That took about two minutes.

//// There are 243 questions ////

This smacks of Charles Dickens' Circumlocution Office featured in Little Dorrit. Read it and nod knowingly as you chuckle - then perhaps post in the following thread :-      

.     .   .   .         




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