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Untitled | 06:42 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | News
33 Answers

To foreigners wishing to escape "destructive neoliberalism"

it has been described elsewhere as an "anti-woke" visa

seeing as many ABers complain about woke and seem to dislike the UK for being too "liberal" might this be an option?



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this reminds me of that time khandro told me how much he admired Tito lol.

well he did hold the country (social construct, five difft areas 1919)together and was open about how it wd fall apart when he died ( It did) - altho I agree being a serbian orthoodx christian wasnt much fun...

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that is pure stalinism toratoratora. it's exactly the rationale that he used to "liquidate" whole groups of people who were characterised as an enemy of the state! 

i will remember this next time you call me a communist. you are more of one than i am!!

Stalinism you say? Well you are the expert there!

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never change, you dear old clown

Well I am happy to admit that some aspects of communism are a good thing, though overall I thought I was "Tory Scum"!

Ladies ! put your knitting needles down -  PLEASE  !

where are the mods when two of the usual suspects are insulting each other - two tier modding ! that is what I say!

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only toratoratora could look at Stalin's Russia and say "well i like the camps but the rest had got to go!!" 

you ought to read some bukharin. we'll make a red out of you yet. 

I will if you read Statecraft.

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Worth going just for the wheat fields & the ballet🤣

Oh - but the wheat fields are in Ukraine - no longer USSR!

I would quite like to see Stalingrad tho'

would this one be suitable: User Recommendationref=sr_1_3?crid=THCVALIOQ6LX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.dzUkaJRNAVccVmqYndU3PbH1zkPVvUXtqPYN-iNHMsP3n_dx7evEwqWELmly1zcx9oXkrTaqIfgEjlH77NR46-YOQRRqWiHm19R4zNqbGZYhyB0-P-PcqrKWMo4Wu_vogJwmGZZEWP6SvV4drLDbaztju-H1mOKwmPyyajROr5GHhaUjezRHAy7BK4RI3dO-S1TsmNI0tCUMirpuSxv_vxaZxLqwASpQ3zr5_HlakIA.6AHR5K8dzXgntEDAEAHVpbItWk2EdydoydeN0efPZyY&dib_tag=se&keywords=bukharin&qid=1725888785&sprefix=bukharin%2Caps%2C115&sr=8-3

Maybe its me,but i always get the impression that socialists like Stalin,Mao,Pol Pot murdered millions more working-class proles than even Hitler did.Maybe its just me?

I hadn't realised they'd murdered just you.

One knock for yes, two knocks for no, and no pushing the glass off the table !

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