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Value Of Old Books

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shivvy | 22:08 Wed 05th Jun 2024 | Arts & Literature
9 Answers

I have a full set of American encyclopedias from the 1950s which were brought to the UK from the US by a relative in the (approx) 70s.

I have done a bit of googling about them, but can anyone advise of a way to find if they might be worth anything?




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Thanks wolf.

I am finding that when I do a search the results are in dollars - due to them being American books i'm sure.  But I'm not interested in packing them up and shipping them, so if no UK interest what might be the best way to find them a good home?  Phone a local independant book shop maybe?

Might be worth looking on ebay or for comparable prices.

I've got a whole set of 1877 Encyclopedia Brittanica and about half the set of the next edition (I think there are about 60 volumes).  A dealer offered £120 for the lot about 20 years ago and I am convinced they are worth more, but typically never got round to doing anything about it.

This is a UK site -

If you are not bothered about getting money for them perhaps your local Oxfam Bookshop will take them off your hands.

Old books are necessarily worth a lot of money, but it is always worth checking.   

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Wow £500??  I'll swap you mine for yours Barmaid!

I think you'd be surprised at how little value many old books have.  When my mother died there were hundreds of books to deal with; not only could I not sell any of them, I couldn't get anyone to take them for free.

Bump.  In the hope BM sees it.

I am currently reading Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell, and he several times mentions how worthless lots of the collections he gets offered are. If you live near Wigtown, you could try his shop, The Bookshop, Wigtown.

From his website: Contact us at, or by phone at 01988 402499. Visit Us The Bookshop 17 North Main Street Wigtown Scotland DG8 9HL

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