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Does This Dog Not Know His Own Strength?

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abbeylee90 | 15:26 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | How it Works
54 Answers

This bulldog I've walked before he bit another dog and pulls towards other dog when he's out. I don't know weather he's had opportunity to socialise with other dogs so he is confused by them. 



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So is your mind still going back over this incident from a year ago? It must have been a traumatic event. Do you still have counselling- if so raise it there. And ask for advice/support at the dogs home.

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It was may this year. I got suspended from dog walking for it on my birthday.

So we have wasted our time responding to something you posted and received replies for in May. Have you nothing better to do

Are you more confused than the dog

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Yes dogs home were useless anyway 

It's not the dogs home that is useless, Abbey. 

You need to take a long look at yourself, your motives, your attitudes, your actions and their consequences.  

There is a disaster waiting to happen in the way you refuse to accept that you may have limitations in what you can do with regard to dogs that have the potential to be dangerous.  

You need to develop some realism.  Listen to advice given to you.  


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I mean by putting all the blame on me when the owner didn't respect my space.

Yes, probably it should have been an 80/20 apportionment, but as far as the dogs home were concerned you were supposed to be in charge and the incident cost them money and maybe affected their reputation.

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It's not them that pay it's the council.

Ok, so ultimately it cost the council tax payers of Cardiff. Do the council own the dogs home then?

Just think what could happen, Abbey, if you took a seizure while dog-walking and a dog was left to run loose.  Have you told the Kennels about your problem?

It's not abbey's fault that the dog attacked another dog.  It happens.  She shouldn't, however, be asked to handle strong dogs that are known to be likely to attack other dogs.

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Yes they are run by council

 No dogs home don't know but hopefully not as dog walking takes my mind of things.

You should have told the dogs home about your seizures.

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