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Saving Electricity

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Henry1865 | 18:57 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | Technology
36 Answers

Daily I eat only one slice of toast for breakfat but my toaster is a twin slice model. Single slice toasters are rare and expensive.

Can someone with mathematical skill work out if there is any significant annual saving, toasting 2 slices every day, (3 mins), putting the second one in a bag and reheating it for say 30 secs the next day. 

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Most two slice toasters are about 750w. If you use one for three minutes every day for a year you will use it for (365 x 3/60) = 18.25 hours, so it will consume (18.25 x 0.75) = 13.6 Kilowatt Hours (KwH).My supplier charges 22p per KwH. Assuming yours charges the same or thereabouts, using your toaster in the wasteful way you do costs you about three quid a year.If...
20:54 Mon 09th Sep 2024

"I am electrically skilled and could do this for a small fee. "

How small?

Remember he will save just £1.50 a year by doing that. If you charged him £15 (a ridiculously small fee) it would take ten years to recover.

"I only hope Henry is Gas Safe Registered" 

Why? Has he got a gas toaster?!?!?!  🤣 🤣

//I only hope Henry is Gas Safe Registered" 

Why? Has he got a gas toaster?!?!?!  🤣//

I was merely concerned that Henry is qualified to carry out the electrical work on the toaster suggested .

Thought I'd be funny and quote the register for gas as opposed to electricity

Didn't it work then ?  🙂


There are three elements in a two slot toaster so disabling one would only save 50p a year.

If you disabled two you would have to turn your slice over to toast the other side, running the toaster for longer

By the way, you can toast bread on the hob in a frying pan, it comes out really well. If you have a gas cooker or induction hob it will be cheaper for one slice of bread than a toaster.

If you've got an open fire, better still. Use a toasting fork. Only in the winter, mind

"Didn't it work then ?"  🙂

Yes i did, baz. Thought I'd add to the jollity!

I raised this very issue a couple of years ago! I often have an egg for breakfast on a single slice of toast.

I think toasters should be made switchable for one slice or two.

The only snag with cooking toast in a pan is that you have to keep lifting it to see that it's done. For this reason we cook fried bread on the grill - butter the bread first and then grill it.

But how many eggs could you get in your frying pan, dave?

Have you tthought of cooking a couple a at time and saving one for the next time you fancy one?  🤣

it's a single egg frypan NJ 🤣

The Tefal one egg frying pan? 

Amazon.co.uk User Recommendationref=asc_df_B00H4WKTVW/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=696285193871&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16311857339645932141&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045453&hvtargid=pla-2281435177138&psc=1&mcid=f7cda26ee5b43b1b9c3e488247a92d10&th=1&psc=1&hvocijid=16311857339645932141-B00H4WKTVW-&hvexpln=74&gad_source=1

Ah, you scrub the toaster and buy a large grill, Hoppy.

mine's same size but from Aldi - Kirton House brand

Don't you find the egg slides out of the toaster, Dave ?

not if I lay it on its side🙄

I love my Dualit toaster. It has a switch for 1, 2 or 4 slices, and you can easily push a lever during the toasting time to check for 'doneness'.
It would take a lot of years of electricity-saving by only toasting one slice, though. 

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I never expected 35 responses - even if some of them were irrelevant, importing gas and baked beans. The idea has now been abandoned.

I do wonder about the assumption about the two sides are wired separately - in parallel. My guess is that the elements are in series.

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