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Did Anyone Watch The Antiques Roadshow Last Night?

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10ClarionSt | 17:09 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

I was baffled by the narrative about an RAF airman from WW2, who had been taken prisoner and placed in Stalag Luft III. So what?, says you. So throughout the narrative, there was no mention of Colditz Castle. It was as though it was banned. The Great Escape was about Stalag Luft III, said the expert. The tunnel was built in Stalag Luft III, he said. The airman had drawn the Stalag Luft III tunnel in his Red Cross diary. 76 prisoners escaped from Stalag Luft III. 

Is there some kind of censorship by the BBC that prevents anyone saying the words "Colditz Castle"?

The Colditz Story, starring John Mills, will in future be called The Stalag Luft III Story. 



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Stalag luft III was not Colditz me old china. It was where they sent all the prisoners that kept tryting to escape from all the other Stalags. SL3 is near Sagan SE Germany, I think now Poland.

Looking for historical accuracy?

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Thanks for that, but still no reference that they all came from Colditz Castle. 

Maybe the string vests helped.

why would there be a mention of Colditz Castle? Sounds like the guy was in SL3.

Are you confusing The Great Escape which was about the escape from Stalag Luft III with Escape from Colditz and The Colditz Story, both featuring escapes from Colditz? 

Are you satisfied there's been no censorship by the Beeb?

The Colditz story  was the  film about Colditz - Mills as  Pat Reid. Officers camp - built on a tuffet so it was hard to tunnel out - but there were two. You start from somewhere which is not perched on a rock

Great Excape was about Stalag Luft III - which was an airman's camp, in the east. Not built on a tuffet but the cabins were raised a meter or so to prevent runnelling. There were three tunnels - Tom Dick and Harry - and you can go now to the  site and see the ditches which are the collapsed tunnels. Bushell was in charge ( and gets shot) - last words " what happens now?"

I thought the lack of mench of Colditz was appropriate

The owner of the  medals was rightly critical of  the  accuracy of the film. There was no American ( brought in to sell the film) - Donald Pleasance was a composite - isnt Charles Bronson in it? 


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Thanks folks. I just thought that as most of the men in SL3 were ex Colditz, it might have warranted a mention. Twould seem not. 

It's more that most of the men in colditz were ex SLn.

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Did Anyone Watch The Antiques Roadshow Last Night?

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