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Courier Services

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chokkie | 15:35 Wed 06th Apr 2022 | Shopping & Style
15 Answers
Hi everyone, I wonder if someone can help please. I am trying to sell 3 x cast iron Le Creuset casserole pots, and I think I may have a buyer. However, I don't think that this potential buyer lives locally to myself and they have asked if I can post the three pots to his/her address. Which is impossible really because they are really heavy (and I don't have any appropriate packaging). I suggested to the potential buyer that they could cover the cost of a courier to collect the 3 pots from my home and deliver them all to his/her home address, that would be fine, obviously on top of the cost of the pots (£50). Which is, I should add, a real bargain! So let me get to the point - can anyone recommend a courier who could do this for me - although I don't want to pay for the cost of the courier as I would not be sure that the potential buyer would pay me for organising this. It would have to be a courier who could provide appropriate packaging for the three pots. Hope someone can advise, please. many thanks.


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wouldnt you still need appropriate packaging if you were sending them to a courier? you coukdn't just hand them 3 pots!
Appropriate packaging? Stout cardboard box and lots of newspaper and parcel tape?
Question Author
Yes, I am sure I would, but would appreciate some advice from them ... I am not convinced that I could just take a cardboard box weighing tha much, wrapped in brown paper to my local post office. Many thanks.
Question Author
Just wondering if anyone could suggest a recommended courier company who might be able to advise me of the best way to package the 3 pots. Many thanks.
Does the buyer have his own transport? If so maybe he could collect the pots.
Question Author
Didn't think of that, will ask him - great suggestion!
I would put the onus on the buyer. Let them organise and pay for the collection.
Lets hope that you don't get the courier who dropped off plants at my doorstep today.

They weren't for me - or my neighbours, but a house 9 doors away!!!!
Question Author
You're absolutely right. Will contact the buyer again. Cheers, Chox.
You haven't said how heavy the three pots are - Hermes weight limit is 15kg
Be very careful of buyers asking you to courier items many scams around our way lately. My niece was scammed this way her payment was cancelled.
Are you ebaying these ?
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I have closed this thread as it attracts spam.  Please start a new thread if you still need help with this, chokkie

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