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One4All Gift Cards

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renegadefm | 19:39 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
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This isn't really a question, more a word of warning. 

I was given a One4All gift card for Christmas last year, and it almost got forgotten about until I was sorting out my wallet. 

Its not a fortune, there is £20 on it, but I thought great theres something I wanted to buy in my local ASDA store.

Not so great news when I got to ASDA as non of the supermarkets accept the One4All gift cards as payment for anything. 

So I rang the contact number on the back of the One4All gift card, and they said the only supermarket that recognised a One4All gift card is Marks & Spencer. But theres nothing I want or need at Marks & Spencer.


So word of warning is think before you give someone a One4All gift card, because its not what it says on the card, its very misleading, as its not one card for all at all. 


So now I'm more or less forced to use it in shops I don't normally buy things from but put the rest of the money to an item. 

I can't even use it in HMV, which would be my next go to shop. 


So in short, One4All gift cards don't cater for ALL shops at all!! 



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I agree with renegade - we let Marketing get away with too much misleading material.  Unless a lot of us cry stop (like renegade) then it will slowly get worse. Don't say you weren't warned.
22:33 Thu 05th Sep 2024
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I have experienced or witnessed problems with customers paying with cards or using their phone countless times this year already. 


It worries me if we do end up a cashless society, how would we pay for our groceries when the system is down. 

Are families going to starve? Its quite serious in my eyes. 

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