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Man Kills Himself 7 Days After Brutal T V Humiliation And There Is No Link? Right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 18:29 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | News
6 Answers

Are these people for real? Coroner? really?

If Kyle had an ounce of compassion he'd feel ashamed not "vindicated". Shameful. 



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So basically the Coroner thinks he would have commited suicide even had he not appeared on the show.

Hmmmmmm. I think not.

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yes canary the guy must be a complete idiot.

I agree, shocking decision 

Apparently he had attempted suicide previously so he was obviously a disturbed individual. He shouldn't have gone on or been allowed to go on the show in the first place.

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He'd already attempted suicide, this tipped him over again, clear link, end of.

It's like putting George Best in a free bar and wondering why he get's plastered.

After watching the clip made public, IMO it is perfectly clear that the removal of hope, and associated humiliation, would have pushed many over the edge. To claim to be exonerated seems extreme. Like putting on blinkers in order to cope with that they were involved in. Still, no desire to cause more such incidents so, leave it there.

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Man Kills Himself 7 Days After Brutal T V Humiliation And There Is No Link? Right Oh!

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