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How To Get Radio Falset 107.6 Fm (In Belfast) From England ?

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cleoval | 18:45 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Radio
2 Answers

Hi I am in England and have a normal radio.  I am trying to get Radio Falset 107.6FM which is in Belfast but cannot tune in.?  I only want to use the radio.  Would a DAB radio pick it up? I find dab radio's complicated. TIA.



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Radio Falset seems to be in Spain. Do you mean this:

I'm lost as well!

As Radagast has said, Ràdio Falset transmits in Catalan (on 107.6 FM) to the local population from the village of Falset in Catalonia.  So it seems unlikely that it's the station that you're seeking!

There are no stations transmitting on 107.6 FM in Northern Ireland.

Given your previous questions (about your husband trying to learn the Irish language) though, Radgast's guess at what you're really seeking looks good to me.

Raidió Fáilte (which transmits on 107.1 MHz, not 107.6) is licensed as a local community radio station, which means that it can only operate at very low power.  Its Belfast transmitter uses just 290 Watts.  (For comparison, the Holme Moss transmitter that sends BBC radio signals to your home area in Sheffield operates at 250,000 Watts.  That's a massive difference!).

So Raidió Fáilte is only avalable on FM very close to the Belfast transmitter.  Community radio stations don't have access to DAB services, so a DAB radio wouldn't help you anyway, irrespective of your location.

The only way to receive Raidió Fáilte outside of Belfast is via the internet.  Radgast's link is perfectly good enough for doing so but, as it also gives you access to the station's podcasts, I'll provide a direct one to the station's own website as well:

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How To Get Radio Falset 107.6 Fm (In Belfast) From England ?

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