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You Wanted This Shower Love, What Did You Expect?

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ToraToraTora | 20:12 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | News
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21.36 But thinking about it. Your trap is never closed is it TTT.🤣

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so not bright enough to create and avatar then right oh!

I voted Labour and I agree with removing the WFP for most pensioners - even though both my dad and my husband are affected. As I've said before, it should never have been given to all of them. 

I do disagree with a lot that Labour have done so far and am worried it might let the Tories back in at the next GE.

By the way, Tora, you and modeste have the same Avatar. Had you noticed? 

Question Author

nope never seen it, must have copied mine. Modeste seems to hang out in puzzles mostly, I rarely go there,

Caveat emptor

As you say millions are probably now thinking why didnt we.

As for Vordeman, she lost the plot years ago.

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You Wanted This Shower Love, What Did You Expect?

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