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Taliban Introduces Even Stricter Laws Against Women

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naomi24 | 12:02 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | News
23 Answers

Not only are Afghan women forced to cover themselves from head to toe in public, they are denied an education too - and now their voices must not be heard either.  They are complete nonentities.  Nothing more than chattels and baby-making machines.


Last night's BBC television news report was very distressing.  These women are living unimaginably horrendous lives and there's nothing they can do about it.  Just helpless.   What, if anything, can the international community do?  



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My first post now back from England;

Is P.P. really  Artificial (un)Intelligence   ?   😃

no, he's real unintelligence.

"We all thought the EU authorities might be adult, responsible, readonable individuals."

Not all of us, OG, not all of us.

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Taliban Introduces Even Stricter Laws Against Women

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