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There's A Reason Only Highly Trained Astronauts Do Space Walks......

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ToraToraTora | 11:15 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | News
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I think untitled should see a shrink about his issues (if he can afford it).

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untitled so how would you actually do that in practice?

untitled, //i want a democratically accountable state to do it//


Well that's something you're very unlikely to see - seeing as most people favour Capitalism - and that includes the hypocritical lefties who bleat on about socialism.   When push comes to shove socialism is wonderful - but only for the other bloke. 

Even capitalism works within a framework.

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Untitled: 13:49?  13:59?

"...but i think people really do fail to understand quite how much money a billionaire has and the kinds of horrible things one always has to do in order to get that sum of money."

I believe Sir Richard Branson is a billionaire.

So what "horrible things" has he done in order to accumulate his wealth?

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get in line judge! still waiting for my list at 13:49

Sorry Tora. I did read your list earlier today, but forgot about it!

I wonder if we will get a reply.

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