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Are We Being Ruled By A 1980S Left-Wing Student Elite ?

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Khandro | 23:04 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
5 Answers

We are now governed by people who were left-wing students in the 1980s and early 90s. This is one of those facts that you try to forget, like getting older in general, but which – occasionally, suddenly – hits you in the mush. It’s fine in the normal run of things but every so often I remember that these left-wing students are in power and I get a rush of panic and horror, and emit an (internal) scream.

Should I worry, or am I being paranoid ?     



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Fair assesment, they presumably admired the socialism of the 60s and 70s and year for those days. Well they are well on the way. I feel sorry for the poor saps that voted for "change" etc without realising they were voting in the first real labour government for half a century. Oh dear, repent at leisure.

Better that than a set of self-seeking buddies from the same class at Eton.

Again with the 'probably' stuff.

Well said Canary.

Khandro, Were you never young

This Labour government bears as much resemblance to socialism, as Jacob's Creek does to a premier cru Claret

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Are We Being Ruled By A 1980S Left-Wing Student Elite ?

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