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Enigmatic Variations N0. 1659 By Eclogue

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Matakari | 10:08 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
31 Answers

Many thanks, NACW, I’ve got the link for Brewer's and am signing up for an account.
Meanwhile, I am having a look at this week’s EV that seems interesting.
I’ve got quite a few answers, but would appreciate an answer to one of
the 10-letter clues to set me on the right track. Thanks in advance!

23 Remarkable mobile phone marks indicating passage in retrospect ( 10 ) (PAGANISES)
                ( I don’t think this is right, though. )

PREAMBLE: Reading clockwise from the top left corner is the first line of a PROBLEM ( in ODQ, with a change of article ) followed by the “setter”, the solution to which is the unclued entry. Unchecked letters in the perimeter could provide FRANFRONTSBLUFFS. Clues are provided in alphabetical order of their answers, which should be entered wherever they will fit. Eight clues each contains an extra word. The length of each answer in this group will provide the index to use when extracting a letter from its extra word. In clue order these letters spell out the source of the theme. Chambers Dictionary ( 2016 ) is recommended.



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Rore is right

Can you explain risotto please apart from anagram' is to rot'

Thanks, Matakari - I think you and Eclogue are definitely not compatible! 

5 Bussu

21 Oozier 

15 Haver

PS I'm not sure 'not abandoning it' is correct, if you're getting the answers to finish the puzzle!

Yes there is no definition for risotto. Oozier parses perfectly, but is it 6 or 7

It is 6

Question Author

Grateful, all! 25 and 29? Thanks again!

Any letters please?

And maybe repost the clues to save me changing pages

Matakari, Quoin and Skim

PS Did you not want to do that last, tiny little bit yourself?! The grid must have been almost full surely?

I thought you had skim (SKI M) on the last page. I can't see why you had any doubts about it.

NMA, yes, Matakari did have Skim as a 'possible' answer - but I got tired of scrolling up and down to see what he was querying, wanting confirmed, wanting answers for etc!

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