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Tories At Fault Again.

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gulliver1 | 09:30 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
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Boris Johnson's former top aide says Boris binned a solution to the current prison crisis Three years ago.Boris was warned  that the country's jails would be full within a few years.But Johnson ignored him.So the early release disaster and street violence is down to Tory incompetence once more.



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Looks like ttt has put his pinny on and cracking on with some hoovering and dusting. :0)
10:41 Wed 11th Sep 2024
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Khandro 09.41 They were already in the Country well before 3 years ago. Courtesy of the Tories.

Looks like ttt has put his pinny on and cracking on with some hoovering and dusting. :0)

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NiceBloke 10.41 for Best Answer.

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NiceBloke 10.41  "Looks like TTT has put his pinny on and cracking on with some hoovering and dusting"  Sort of Freddie Mecury style🤣He want's to break free🤣.

nicebloke/gulliver, stop goading,.  This is the News section not your playground.  If it continues I'll remove the whole thread.

This question had some legs. There is plenty of mileage to be had from comparing the rise in the prison population between 1997 aand 2010, and the rise from then to now. There is also some valuable comparisons to be made between the number of available prison places during those two periods.

Unfortunately it would all be a waste of time because, as is so often the case, sensible discussion gets ruined by one or two of the usual suspects. Shame really.





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Looks like the powers that be, do not like any truth spoken about the disastrous performance of the Tories over the past 14 years then.

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