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The Times 29016

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TioMateo | 10:51 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

1)  Accessory for man reluctant to have drink cold at first (9)  N?C?C?O??


2)  Consider fixing frame of lattice repaired at last (6)         ??E?E?  



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1 Neckcloth - 'neck (drink) c(old) loth (reluctant)'2 Heeled (repaired at last [cobbler]) - 'heed' (consider, fixing; containing) 'l(attic)e' (frame)
10:55 Wed 11th Sep 2024

neck c loth

1 Neckcloth - 'neck (drink) c(old) loth (reluctant)'

2 Heeled (repaired at last [cobbler]) - 'heed' (consider, fixing; containing) 'l(attic)e' (frame)

HEE (L......E) D

When 1 was discussed (elsewhere) at the weekend, the clue wording was given as '...drink hot at first'. It was the 'hot' that led to a bit of debate! I no longer have my copy so can't check.

The clue is as shown in the OP on my copy.  Perhaps they altered it after you'd seen it, Nac?

Thanks, Lie-in King. I wondered if it was one of those times where the online and paper copy aren't the same? I stuck my answer in at the time, didn't notice anything - but that means nothing, I often don't parse!

Lie-in King, I've just Googled the clue (with the 'hot') and found at least five other people had done that, five of the help/cheat sites had the clue and answer.

Those mix-ups do happen, thankfully they're infrequent.

There was an apology and correction from the setter in Monday's hard copy

Thanks for that, Writesbad, I don't like mysteries!

Thanks, writesbad 🙂

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