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Lamb Koftas

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Vagus | 17:49 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
26 Answers

In the air fryer tonight, first time I'll be using it 🤞



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Barmaid, try Hairy biker air fryer chips. 

Slice to 20mm, submerge in water in fridge for 20 mins, pre heat to 160c, drain and pat dry, toss in 1 teaspoon olive oil, don't stack, 15 mins @ 160 shake halfway, then increase to 200 for 3 mins. I've done it with King Edward's and Maris Piper successfully this way.

Netherfield, thank you, I shall try that.  That sounds a lot less faff than my normal deep frying method.

That's similar to how I cook them in my combi microwave 

Vagus & Netherfield you might both want to know that after cooking chips in the new gadget, I had a bit of a shock. Mr Fussy pronounced them v good. Apparently me and the AF cam stay a bit longer.


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Sorry, only just caught up with this.

I looked at those Barmaid but decided it was too expensive compared to the one I bought, just in case I didn't get along with it. Very versatile though. If I find I use ours significantly, I may take it to the holiday place we own and buy the one you have for use at home for its versatility.

Am going to give those Hairy Chips a go. We don't often have chips and find oven chips quite acceptable, haven't done 'proper' chips in a million years so will be interested to see how they compare, taking into account the faff of soaking, etc, rather than open bag, put on oven tray, shove in oven. I can't be done with faff these days, neither can my back 🙄

Was going to use it tonight for breaded fish and oven chips but we had mushroom omelette instead. And it's Chinese takeaway tomorrow as it's a bit of a celebration.

Very interesting though chaps 👍😊

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