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Folding Table Stabilisers

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hurkleho | 15:45 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

Hi, I bought a folding table but it's a bit wobbly. It's got 2 pull-out tubular metal legs where the horizontal section sits on the ground. I have been looking for rubber stabilisers that click/clip on to these bottom parts but for the life of me can't get a name to Google for them. Any ideas? 



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What's the table maker's name?

Such tables are used by campers and clip-on leg adjusters can often be bought in camping/caravan shops. User Recommendationref=sr_1_40?crid=2NS6BEJH6SXDY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9rK3fDPB5GEymZHhXdp1JDXqHHq09DVuie41xExU_YJSDKjbCvE_8_Cw-MfC-If-ANBvxbfJwdApXC89K95VevVp7DuaobYXqpDGYeBHiOe66-2_MEz56bUJyfdV1dxn6V6MEeH6RDLudXXHw7B0_6go40F3fqAlHLTIE3EctzjSVBX8c-Mib_CPJwOsW2A07YerGqkO7eoDDRTEsy_flBKJj6I9wApas-7_aGqn0HLbzOMBgfbvP68cAhmWsZnEh1xWw6xvmxgcQVj7olAa3SRwRzFFelPU83YLoeEzhBI.t1ud6c35MzViM54Rc_xhN8CrRRn9JF81UMWOSb8O3KY&dib_tag=se&keywords=table%2Bleg%2Blevelers&qid=1726078607&sprefix=table%2Bleg%2Bevellers%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-40&th=1


another option User Recommendationref=sr_1_5?crid=17XO52PJGNU9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.T1NdEC4TvI5AWf4fqoWdCR4j3WA7lZPzIRRLgj5zUE3hLYFfxItS3RrVxkik-1y9c9Fs_I5V7TSjeirMIUAgA3GDzpV5etF_w-4nSWGekQaJC_jDWaSZViY3Sww6YtmkQqGKc4G-K6666fMc2uYZmbRGyjHyVLxbEQ6JVvYYThIP_6isUL-0cIcwvlQbIQTMRkI8tji6ia85xXmWE14A8ThRMV4J3XdPCISmms9vfTTlvUGkR5EcowBbCp6lAOFln8yr_f0XCOOIVJxhsW8Iog_fQ_x_gZGDQTcIsawLnDw.Yn_Dj2D9nmgjzbrxnBmp6GNviik9I9sAcFChtSqtgOg&dib_tag=se&keywords=camping+table+leg+levelers&qid=1726079010&sprefix=camping+table+leg+levelers%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-5


Failing that just buy a couple of rubber door wedges.

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