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I Have Done A Very Stupid Thing

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barry1010 | 09:41 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

A small item I ordered from Amazon arrived today.  I opened the box very carefully in case I need to send it back - then opened out the page of instructions.  There is no way I can fold such a huge sheet of paper in to the teeny tiny size it was.

Any tips?  Would they notice if I cut most of it off?



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join an origami class?😂

I wouldn't cut it. Try o follow the folds. Amazon have never queried my returns, I bet they don't inspect them. Send it back.

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I've tried following the folds, it's impossible. 

Fingers crossed I don't need to send it back

Quite often on small and relatively cheap items Amazon do not require you to send them back, go through the normal returns process and with a bit of luck at the end it will say no need to send back and you will be refunded, it's worth a shot.

send it back without the instructions

You don't have to replace the packing exactly barry. Amazon asks if you can.

Fold the paper as best as you can and put it in an envelope with the item, in a larger box or envelope if necessary.

Fold it as small as you can get it and use a larger container to return it, they do realise that you have to look at instructions etc. I know a person who ordered a large carpet cleaning machine and naturally tried it out. She then realised it was too heavy to carry upstairs and returned it with the rollers and  brush still dirty, they never queried it.

Isn't in the rules (law) that you can return any items bought on line within 14 days for any reason?

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Amazon has always been good with returns for me, often been refunded and told to keep the item.

I had a 20 month old mobile phone brick on me and they refunded in full.

These days they refund as soon as the courier notifies them it's been collected, marvelous service 


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Yes it is Dave.

//I Have Done A Very Stupid Thing//


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