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27K Pa For The Steel Workers

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webbo3 | 17:02 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
26 Answers

An annual payment of £27,000 will be given to thousands of workers being made redundant at Britain's biggest steelworks under the government intervention to reduce the fallout from closure.

But no money for the oldies



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//Anyhow I've never ever seen any media report of any pensioner freeze or starve to death in this country, have you?//

Well maybe SIr Keir can explain why said there would be 4000 extra deaths a year when it was rumoured the Cons might cut WFA.

Also, I doubt death certs would ever say "froze to death". The cold affects all sorts of things like circulation and breathing difficulties. 


Pensioner in the future will be demanding funding for McDonalds new phones and TVs. :0)

I'm not sure why anyone should try to make political points from this. Most of this was already agreed by the last government and it was only some finer details like the retraining and exact personal terms that hadn't been finalised. My understanding is that the £500 million being put in by governemnt is the same as was put forward previously- the only difference now is that TATA have to fund the enhanced payouts

And why nicebloke would raise that pointless aside here about pensioners and McDonalds, phones, etc is anyone's guess. 

because webbo mentioned money for oldies in the question, and let's face it, you very often see on herepeople moaning about those on benefits having mobile phones and money for takeaways 

Togo 17.40 bought up pensionersAGAIN, so not pointless to point out. WFA seems to be the only subject to winge and moan about. People need to understand  and learn that you have to pay your own bills, not the government of the day. The next generation of pensioners are heading for a harder time if they dont change their ways now. Steel workers deserve what they are being given for the loss of job. So again KS has done the right thing. Amen.

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