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Finally Up Before The Beak

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New Judge | 17:04 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
21 Answers

Anybody remember this:

Well the little darling (“The boy, who has ADHD, was described as a "lovely affectionate little boy" by his single mother…) has now been sentenced to the inevitable “referral order”.

Meantime his mother has been ordered to pay £1,200 in compensation (£200 more than the cost of her sojourn in Ibiza) and received a six month “parenting order”:

The District Judge told him that had he been an adult he could have been sent to prison for between four and five years. This is quite true as some adults were indeed jailed for around that length of time for similar behaviour.

I have always been astounded (in fact “appalled” is more accurate) at the leniency displayed towards young people who appear in court. This illustrates my disgust perfectly. Any thoughts?



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ynnaf, the Criminal Injuries Comp can only be paid if somebody suffered a personal injury. As far as I know this lad did not injure anyone.

He was fined in accordance with the guidelines.  The courts have no power to fine anyone for murder

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