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Good Job it wasn't Van Halen.
18:38 Thu 12th Sep 2024

Ah, that makes more sense.

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Original link works for me (and not I dont pay for the DM!!)

As you say TTT, well done that man.

The link works for me too, I never a DM paywall in Edge

Didn't he give love a bad name?

JBJ, does an awful lot behind the scenes helping the hungry and homeless. Great guy as well as talented singer.

//Didn't he give love a bad name?//


But he did marry realitavly young and once said that he had never once spent a night away from his wife in decades of touring etc.

Not the usual rock n roll lifestyle....

Good Job it wasn't Van Halen.

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Fortunately he didnt sing one of his songs to her

Ta TTT. 🤨

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