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What Famous Movies Have You Never Seen?

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10ClarionSt | 07:45 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

As opposed to Nailedits' OP, about binge watching your favourite film, what famous films have you NEVER watched? For me, Casablanca, Shawshank Redemption, Reservoir Dogs, Green Mile, Gone In 60 seconds. There's others but too many mention.



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interesting that 3T.

Never seen it...

I find it hard to believe Arky has never seen Debbie Does Dallas.

Off the top of my head -

Sound of Music
Any of the Godfather trilogy
Pulp Fiction

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Thanks for the replies folks. Really interesting. I've never seen Debbie does Dallas either but I can honestly say I never had any porn films in the house. Never.

Same as a few others, I've never seen GWTW, Dr. Shivago, Lawrence of Arabia, The Alamo or The Quiet Man. 

3T mentioning Leonard Rossiter reminded me of this advert from my childhood. Cant help but laugh at his expressions at the end


O dear, never mind...

Apocolapse Now! not seen it in full. Same with The Deer Hunter

I was in my 40,s before I saw any of the original 3 Star Wars films. Watched them all in one sitting. To be honest didn't really see what the fuss was all about. Guess I am not a bif SciFi fan

None of Star Wars, in fact very little science fiction.  Just isnt my thing.  Same with westerns.  Love anything true or based on true stories.

Probably most of them 😊

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