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Love Me Or Hate Me

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renegadefm | 22:33 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

I know I am a modern day Victor Meldrew, but how many of you would admit giving up your mobile phone, or internet would cripple you?


It made me think today because my parents now both 90 don't even look to watch the tv, and they still don't have broadband in their house, and mobile phones are still alien to them, especially smart phone's. 

Are we now a nation that relies too much on these creature comforts?


Baring in mind my parents still seem content with the way they are. I think the closest they come to technical things are switching a light on. 





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My 98 year old grandmother who died earlier this year did not have the internet or a smart phone.  She did enjoy her TV though.  The trouble is, so many utility companies and banks insist on one "using the app" that she was completely disenfranchised and my mother had to do all her banking/bill paying etc.  So a lot of it is led by the larger companies.

The only real technology that she relied upon was her "Granny alarm" which she wore round her neck and if she fell she only need press a button and it called a monitoring centre who would then speak to her through the button or call us or the emergency services.

I couldn't be without my phone or internet which I need for work and in fairness it has made things a lot easier.  Whereas I once had manual paper files, they can now be sent to me by email so I can work almost anywhere.

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I think it depends on the individual youngster, but perhaps scammer type calls have made them nervous about answering a traditional land line phone. 


Only recently actually I had a scammer ring me on the land line asking me where do I want my injury claim money to be payed into, and started asking about my bank details, so I told them I haven't had an injury, and they hanged up. 

But I imagine some vunerable elderly people would have fallen for that. 


Maybe the youngsters have been put off by witnessing disgruntled parents. 

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