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Private Spacewalk A Success......

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ToraToraTora | 15:26 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | News
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he's probably hoping they crash on the away home...

It's a fantastic achievement, congratulations to everyone involved 👨‍🚀👩‍🚀🚀

Good job done.

Wont just be untitled though TTT, vast majority of far-left on here probably spitting tacks.

Why would anyone care ?


The more important thing now is to ensure global (universal ?) rules on exploitation on stuff off Earth and what and what not can be claimed as ownership.

They didn't get lost in space, so I guess it must be counted as a success.

I can think of better ways the money could be spent

Why brand people who were worried about a dangerous mission as Lefties?

Because this is AB and anyone to the left of them is to blame/responsible for anything that they don't like.

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19:27 not true this is about a untitled who wanted this to fail and also hinted that theit deaths would be good.

Billionare walks in space. Woo hoo! 

Atheist, Who was worried?


I would love to see the earth from space.

It's their brass, they can spend it how they like, good luck to them.

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Private Spacewalk A Success......

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