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The Royal Mail Excels.....

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DTCwordfan | 19:47 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
2 Answers

Congratulations to the RM. One of my neighbours today has received his Poll Card for the election of July the 4th, this year. 

'You do not need to take this card with you in order to vote'

If I was him, I would take it to the St. John's Methodist Church and insist on exercising his constitutional right - in his case, the International Socialists or the Corbyn-Gulliver United Party.

What a shame but, at the same time, a damning indictment of our so-called National Postal Service. Come on, Sir Keir, where are you?



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Coincidentally they have been delivering parcels by dumping them on the front path and clearing off;  later texting and e-mailing me that they had been delivered and in my "safeplace" ?!


My opinion of them has nosedived recently.

what is this thread about - identification at elections as a result of rank abuse ( personation)  in the past..... or

- - Royal Mail gives a good service ?

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The Royal Mail Excels.....

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