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Well Lookee Here

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ferlew | 17:04 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

Here I am, back on Answerbank - on my new computer.
Thank you so much Barry. 😁



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Well doneπŸ˜€

Well done, ferlew πŸ™‚

Did you close the door behind you?  Don't want any old riff-raff sneaking in.

Good Job.   ... imac??? Serious bit of kit there ferlew. Hope you got one with plenty of ram and ssd storage. It will be worth it. 

How much would be good Ram and SSD storage, Togo?

I wouldn't have anything other than iMacs, love them.

Weell Clarion my personal benchmark for that sort of unit would be 8GB ram and 512GB SSD. Or at least the option to upgrade internally if I had the whim, or need, to. Desktop suggest possible serious use. "I wish I had bought less RAM and Storage"  said no one ever.  

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Togom I just looked, it does have the 8GB of RAM, not sure about the other thing you mentioned or where I'd find out.

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the m should have been a comma, sorry


Hurrah! Are you loving the new Mac?

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OK, looked again - 256GB SSD

That is good anyway ferlew. You will not have graphics trouble if you stream or let the ads on here have free range. 🀣 

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I am now thanks Barry, the only thing I can't seem to set up on it now is my BT email.
I get a 503 error, tried signing out on the old one, but still the same.
Patience eh? I'll try it again later. Can't be without my emails, can I?

Ferlew, click on the Apple logo at the top left of your screen and it will take you to Settings, Systems Preferences, all sorts of things to learn about your iMac.

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Thanks LB. :)


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