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New Royal Statue Divides Opinion

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naomi24 | 12:21 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
32 Answers

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Mine?  Absolutely ghastly!   It could be any unknown elderly couple off to a Sunday morning car boot sale!!  The late queen and duke deserve better.



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Everyone's a critic.

The Queen - Mrs. Bucket reincarnated in bronze.



Postscript - the corgies look good.

It's awful but quite funny.

Shockingly bad. It captures some of the dignity and bearing of Prince Philip, but the Queen looks dreadful. Nothing like her. 

I recognised them from their posture but the statue doesn't look anything like them.  Not a bad effort with the dogs though!

How do these folk get these commissions - it's bloody awful.

hideous -  like some seaside waxworks dummies in bronze

probably got his inspiration from Beryl Cook's paintings🤣

It'll probably be blamed on the Tories like everything else!

I blame the Tories

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