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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:44 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers

MC this time:

Q:Which of these actions is NOT involved in the preparation of a Vesper Dry Martini?

A: Shaking  B: Stirring  C: Straining

Answer C:  🤣🍸



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What is a Vesper Dry Martini, please?

I think you need to know your James Bond for this one. 

Who's, "MC"?

I don't know how a Vesper DM is made, and don't know who MC is.

Question Author

I see my superpower is kicking in again. MC = Multiple Choice. The actual drink is irrelevant. What is one of the most famous lines not only in movie history but in Bond films generally? What does Bond say when he orders any kind of Martini? ....< > 🚀 is it ?

I thought MC meant Master of Ceremonies and that Bradley had got it wrong!

One can avoid straining afterwards by having a glass of water between each.

I think in the very quick-fire questioning, it might be "C" which came to mind first, not thinking of how Bond preferred his drink?

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This was not quick fire.

O.K. My thought still stands even in multiple choice.

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Shaken but not Strained? right oh!

No use trying to explain to you TTT - forget it 😊

I always assumed shaken not stirred was simply Bond's preference.

Question Author

it is, what's your point?

That suggests that you can make one by stirring 

Question Author

You can, any non shaken drink is a stirred drink. It's often misunderstood "shaken but not stirred" means shaken rather than stirred. So for example a Scotch and soda with ice is a stirred drink even if it is not actually stirred. So it is possible to make a stirred martini but Bond is clear that he does not want that.

I still don't see why you think this was a gem.

Nor me, I've never drunk or ordered a Martini nor watched a Bond film or read a Bond book.  

Question Author

you've never seen a Bond film barry? Wow!

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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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