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The Real Deal

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davebro3 | 14:34 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | News
8 Answers


£10 per knife / £350,000 - WOW!

He probably paid a fiver each to buy them from China!

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You missed your chance then, Dave.

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Well - selling those knives in the UK would be illegal so why pay him the surrender fee?

He would be stuck with them or have to re-export so not a UK problem.

Luvvley Chubbly!

There used to be a shop in Florida at the top of International Drive that sold nothing but knives. It was called Blades and you could literally buy any type of blade. They had a Claymore on sale plus all kinds of thowing stars. Don't know if it's still there.

just means more sales for shop bought kitchen knives, but i understand taking these zombie knives off the market, *Ad which shall not be named* sell the banned knives under hunting knives, doubt one could import one here though, well not anymore.

18:17 because they offered a compensation scheme for anyone surrendering a Knife during the amnesty. I surrendered one myself but I declined to claim.

I recall somewhile ago a post about machettes .

I think New judge gave some advice and stated that he owned a machette which he used in the garden .

If it was  you NJ , will you be getting rid of it under the amnesty ?

If it was not you NJ please accept my apologies 

I have a Kukri, I believe that they are legal to own.  I have no idea where I got it from.  I have it on a stand on top of my spare fridge freezer.


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