Swollen Ankles in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Swollen Ankles

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JinnyJoan | 09:42 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
22 Answers

Just this past week my ankles swelled about evening time but last night frightened me - the feet and ankles swelled to nearly double size.

After my shower I'm off up to the doctors (can't hear on the phone) to make a GP appointment.

It frightened me a bit being on my own and I always worry if anything happens to me what about my wee Maxie.  



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do you have any problems lying flat?

do you get breathlessness?

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no - the swelling thank God goes down overnight and feet are not bad but will still see my GP.  

You said you had anaemia. This can cause swelling of the feet. How is the iron level in your blood. GP is the best idea

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I am sick of being sick.  Every day brings a new sickness.  Oh whoa is me.  

My mum had that just out of the blue, she was given water tablets, that reduced the problem. She was also told to elevate the legs when sitting. But eh, you still need to see your doc, it may be a different problem you have.

I thought you'd sorted out Maxie with a charity that rehomes dogs for people in your circumstances, JJ.  

See your GP.  In the meantime rest as much as you can with your legs raised

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am seeing GP at 4.30pm as the receptionists are treating it as an urgent appointment


I think JJ means if something happens to her, how long before she is found and what would/could happen to Maxie during that time.

With my dog and me in the same position JJ, I have a couple of walkers who come to take him for walks.  If I didn't reply when either came to get him they would know something was wrong. 

Do you have a walker for wee Maxie, if not, get one if possible?


Recently had the same problem ( but not quite as bad as yours by the sound of it) saw my GP and she recommended Compression Stockings/socks. Bought some on Amazon (4 pairs £20) and they worked instantly. Wear a pair evry couple of days and things have really settled down. Hope this helps



you need a going over for heart failure

go and see a GP

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Peter Peter - I said I was going to see my GP which I did.  He wants me to get more blood tests on Monday - I asked him for diuretics which he refused - he wants to give me a good going over LOL.  He wants to test for rheumatoid arthritis and platelets - first time I was with him and he was lovely.  Best thing I ever did was to move to this surgery a year ago.  Love them all, receptionists, nurses and doctors - I really hit it lucky.

Fingers crossed you get good results and a quick solution, JJ

oh.... thanks JJ -  hope it  goes OK

Sending get well wishes jj. Not nice to be ill when you're on your own. So glad you're happy with your doctor's surgery, it makes such a difference. xx

I had this for quite a long time. I gave up sugar /carbs and it went away completely.

How did it go at the doctor's, JJ?

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well on Monday just got a blood test - go back tomorrow for results 

Jinny, have you got a mobile phone?? If so, cannot you download the NHS app?? It would be very helpful in contacting the doctors surgery. You can also re-order repeat prescriptions & I am sure the surgery can text you through the app if they needed to contact you.

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no - no mobile phone now or ever

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