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102 Minutes That Changed America

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pastafreak | 23:14 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers

On More4 now...but also on YouTube...real time, minute by minute coverage of 9/11 in NYC. No voice over or narration. It's all film from bystanders and witnesses. Quite harrowing, but worthwhile viewing. 



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Thanks for the link sinead...I'll have a look later.

 My sister in law was due to go to the WTC that morning, but her appointment was cancelled at the last minute.

My daughter sent me this coverage as it happens by a financial news channel...a different perspective and chilling.


It will happen again as long as we keep pussy footing about with Islam.

oh this thread has turned into the usual Islamophobe rant

There has been US legislation - which always skews the numbers

arbitrarily chosen 1.5 mi radius ( so North of Houston St)

can we all  calm down as to  how significant this is for  us in Britain ?

The United States is even closer to the House of Saud today, than it was when 15 Saudi nationals made the 9/11 attack. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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102 Minutes That Changed America

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