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The Ashes -Setter Wan

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professorplum13 | 06:52 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

There are clashes so crossers may not help..

12a   Post-modern cutting that is a plant (7)

14a    Shuts up Wan's antiquated operation in months (7)

Each down clue except one has an extra letter in the wordplay...

10d  In NY, trick cyclist from top group around pencils in prime locations (8)



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12 Ipomoea, a plant.   

10 Alienist, a psychiatrist. It's A-list, top group, with IEN coming from the letters in prime number positions is 'pencils'.

14a - IMMURES (def 'shuts up') Wan's is I'M + URE (archaic) 'operation' [inside] M(onth)S.

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The Ashes -Setter Wan

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