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Dell Mousepad

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fourteen85 | 17:06 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Technology
2 Answers

Help please  I have come away on holiday with laptop but forgotten my mouse.  I have the mousepad turned off in normal usage, can I turn it back on without using a mouse? It's a Dell inspiring 3000. Cheers for any help



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If your Dell Inspiron 3000 touchpad is turned off, here are a few ways to turn it back on:

Function Key: Try pressing F9 or Fn + F9 to toggle the touchpad on and off.

Touchpad Settings: Press the Windows key and search for "touchpad settings." Make sure the touchpad is enabled in the settings menu.

Control Panel: Open the Control Panel and go to Mouse settings. Check the Dell Touchpad tab to enable it.

BIOS Settings: If none of the above work, restart your laptop and press F2 during boot to enter the BIOS. Look for touchpad settings and ensure they’re enabled.

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I have managed to get it turned back on . Thank you

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Dell Mousepad

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