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The Prince Across The Water.

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sandyRoe | 07:23 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

Will you join me on Sunday in a birthday toast to Harry?

The 40th is a bit of a milestone, and even though he's a bit of a wayward son, I'm sure his papa and step mother will have him in their thoughts on his special day.



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//Didn't  have his address, so couldn't send him a card.//

Just put HRH Prince Harry, Montecito, California - it'll get there.

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I wasn't suggesting they were Nazis, rather that they had made decisions that they might later have come to regret.

Marry in haste, repent at leisure?

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor never repented of their nazi links and sympathies and never apologised to the British Royal Family or anyone else for the decision to abdicate.  No sign of any repentence from Prince Andrew, or Prince Harry.  But one can live in hope I suppose.

The only thing I would like is the demise of the "Royal familly".

Not literally before the usual start, just get rid of the post.

I wish him well.

“Will you join me on Sunday in a birthday toast to Harry?”

Certainly not.

He’s an awful character, tied up with his own self-pity and has taken on the role of a professional victim. Far better his celebrations are restricted to him, his ghastly wife and the few friends he has remaining. 

I'm sure his papa and step mother will have him in their thoughts.  I wouldn't raise a glass to the four in front of him to the throne (I am not a republican, but their birthdays are just another day), so I certainly shall not bother with Prince Harry.

I had a lot of sympathy for the Sussexes at the time of "Megzit", but their behaviour since then has really disappointed me.

I didnt have you down as a Royalist sandy.Best not tell your friends in SinnFein/IRA though.

I wish him a very happy birthday from us all in Scotland 

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When ER came to the Lyric Theatre in Belfast, very near to where I live, and shook hands with Martin McGuiness, most of the old hostilities were set aside.

And as for me being a royalist, no.  I see Harry as a woodworm chewing away at the fabric of the monarchy.  The damage he does won't topple it but will contribute towards its fall.

A republican England would be a sight for sore eyes.  Perhaps Starmer, in the twilight of his days, might be appointed Lord Protector.

We can but hope.

Ummm,not going to happen sandy,im afraid to say.Lyra McKee remains dead,the victims of the Omagh massacre remain dead.Nothing to be proud about mate.

In other words those who want to wish him a happy birthday on here don't give a genuine flying f word about Harry himself nor his birthday they just like the fact that he's attacked the monarchy so is a pawn of the republican dream. Charming.

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Both the dreadful incidents you mention had nothing to do with the IRA or Sinn Fein.

Well its funny that lamp-posts all over the estate after the assassination of McKee all had warnings from the IRA about"informers".

Definitely not. I expect King Charles might think of his wayward son, but I'm pretty sure his stepmother and his brother couldn't care less.

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