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On The Films Theme.

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davebro3 | 13:54 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
32 Answers

What is the worst film you have seen that got the most acclaim?

For me it has to be "High Noon". I would do anything not to watch that again!



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netty @ 16:28

I loved Vanilla Sky.

Think its one of those films that you have to watch a couple of times to appreciate it.

El Cid

No, don't  think I'll bother nailedit. A film has to grab me in the first 10 minutes, but even if I watched Vanilla Sky 20 times I don't think I'd change my mind. 

Fair enough netty 😁

Question Author

I enjoyed "Yellow Sky" with Gregory Peck - is "Vanilla Sky" similar?πŸ˜€


I liked the original Vanilla Sky but anything with Tom Cruise in it makes me cringe.


The Sound of Music appears to be the Marmite of the film world.

(I hate the former, love the latterπŸ˜€)


Citizen kane, castaway,Forrest gump

//I liked the original Vanilla Sky but anything with Tom Cruise in it makes me cringe//



Off to google we go....

Angela's Ashes. Dire. The film was so much better.


Vanilla Sky was an English-language remake of a Spanish film, Open Your Eyes, also starring Penelope Cruz.


TTT, Unforgiven is probably the only film I've ever walked out of, left OH there to watch the last 95% and went to sit in the pub!


I detested Titanic, I was praying for it to just sink, One of the records I transcribed for a genealogy website was the baptism of Arthur Rostron, the Captain of the Carpathia which went to Titanic's assistance, a Bolton lad.

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