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Friday The 13Th

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dustypuss | 17:50 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

Are you superstitious.🐈‍⬛

I will never walk under a ladder. Not because Im superstitious . It's just that I don't want a roof tile on my  head Etc.



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If you walk under a roofer's ladder you're much less likely to be hit by falling slates as the natural trajectory of one skittering down the roof then into freefall will take it away from the area twixt ladder and wall.One should however always be wary of psychotic roofers slate-bombing innocent pedestrians during their lunch breaks.
14:02 Sat 14th Sep 2024

If you walk under a roofer's ladder you're much less likely to be hit by falling slates as the natural trajectory of one skittering down the roof then into freefall will take it away from the area twixt ladder and wall.

One should however always be wary of psychotic roofers slate-bombing innocent pedestrians during their lunch breaks.

Why have we got three threads going on this topic,  the Mods must be asleep, duplicate threads are against their precious Site Rules.

Where's the third thread?

Not at all. I flew home from Poland yesterday and, apart from our airport transfer being 40 minutes late and a bit of moderate turbulence for a small proportion of the flight, the whole journey went swimmingly.  The dates we booked suited us and it would never have occurred to me to avoid flying on Friday 13th.

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Friday The 13Th

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